Three Reasons Your Child Needs To Take A Martial Arts Class

January 30, 2012 § Leave a comment

Cheap OTC 938 17-1/2 Ton – As sad as it is to hear, bullying is becoming more and more rampant in the school system. The even sadder fact is that it’s not just in elementary school. It’s stemming all the way from preschool to even college. The repercussions of these verbal and mental attacks are quickly taking its toll on families. All too often you’ll hear about a child committing suicide because of certain comments either made at school or on the internet. This vicious cycle can be prevented with a Martial Arts Class. Below are three reasons why your new child needs to take a Martial Arts Class.

Reason 1: He/she will learn the techniques needed to defend themselves in a conflict.

The possibility of your child getting into a fight greatly goes up as they move up through various grade levels. The disturbing correlation is that your child is also more prone to injury in these fights with their other students. One of the big things that your child will learn in a martial arts class is the ability to defend themselves. The biggest benefit to this is that some kids will get in a knock down, drag out, brawl and more often than not break their hands. The benefit of the martial arts class is that your child will learn disarming techniques that will keep your child or their attacker from even throwing a punch. That will lessen the injury and will also keep the bullies at bay.

Reason 2: They will gain confidence.

The main way a bully successfully becomes a bully is their ability to break another person’s self-esteem through either physical pain or mental pain. It’s almost comparable to the way lion’s hunt their prey. They pick out the weakest one and then go for them. With the skills your child has gained through martial arts programs they will walk around with confidence. This will cause more of their peers to respect and follow them. This chain reaction of positivity will ultimately cause them to not only not get bullied. But it will also cause bullies to respect them and they can be a positive influence within their school system.

Reason 3: They will be in better shape.

With the childhood obesity rate constantly on the rise the biggest source of bullying is because of how much a child weighs. The sad fact that most kids live an overall sedentary lifestyle in which they are in front of either the computer or the television most of their day is easily avoidable. With the basic practices taught in a martial arts class they don’t want to be indoors. Not only that with some of the running and cardiovascular endurance they will be subject to will start to move them towards a healthier lifestyle. Plus, bullies don’t pick on the kids with muscles.

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